Injuries are the most common problem that affects many basketball athletes who have to leave their careers for these causes and often undergo surgery as the only solution to this problem. There is great concern about the high rate of injuries suffered by players during basketball games, which leads to decreased performance in the NBA due to the high density of competitions in the playing seasons. When injuries occur in the first stage of the season, it is because players had little training before starting the tournament, while for the middle and final season injuries are presented by other causes: accumulation of physical and mental fatigue, sleep deprivation related to lack of recovery and in some cases, lack of competitive goals.

The most common injuries players suffer during competitions are:


  1. Ankle Sprains Is forced to move out of its normal position, ligaments to stretch, partially tear.
  2. Jammed Fingers The tip of the finger is compressed towards the hand.
  3. Knee Injuries Fractures, dislocations, tears and sprains.
  4. Thigh Bruising Injury to the soft tissue of the upper leg.
  5. Facial Cuts Cuts and wounds to the face, nose bleeds, a broken nose, and injuries to the eyes and airways.
  6. Foot Fractures Foot fractures cause considerable pain, which is usually made worse by putting weight on the foot.
  7. Spine Injuries Damage to the vertebrae, ligaments or disks of the spinal column.

In all cases, unproductive time is the main problem for players and teams, and on many occasions it could impact athletes’ careers for life. The most common current treatments for these injuries in some scenarios are: rest, surgeries and physical therapy. 

A study conducted by the National Library of Medicine showed that playing times could be a factor that affects the risk of getting more injuries in NBA games, so optimal play times should be designed to minimize injuries.

Regenerative medicine presents a new way (world-class medical science) to treat many traditional diseases and could be used in the sports industry. 

The use of stem cells to recover injuries is an alternative that elite athletes are increasingly valuing to shorten recovery times and prevent future relapses in the same area.

¨Stem Cells have demonstrated great potential for treating and repairing sports injuries¨



The NBA stars recover with science's power

A study involving 12 patients conducted by Physicians at the Institute of Tissue Regenerative Therapy (ITRT) in Barcelona demonstrated the success of stem cell treatment in people with osteoarthritis of the knee, recording a remarkable reduction of pain for more than 3 years and regeneration of damaged tissue. In some patients the cartilage deterioration was stopped and in other patients it regenerated successfully. Biological treatments are yielding very good results in the repair of lesions through tissue regeneration.

Stem cells are multipotential cells, able to transform into other types of cells, and have the ability to regenerate or repair structures and tissues damaged in trauma, such as tendons, muscles, and bones. In chronic lesions, the results are very positive, achieving a much faster recovery than usual. Stem cell therapies have been used during the last decade by elite athletes.


¿What stem cell therapies For sport injuries do you find in Emuna?

Knee Injuries
Stem Cells combined with plasma are applied directly to the lesion achieving rapid recovery without surgery.

Thigh Bruising
Infusion muscle injuries: Stem Cells decrease inflammation and repair damaged tissues.

Facial Cuts 

Skin Diseases: Regenerates the epidermis and revitalizes the skin texture.

Jammed fingers
The stem cell helps regenerate cartilage.

Spine Injuries

Infusion Spin Injuries: Stem cells are applied directly to the vertebrae to regenerate the cartilage, nerve endings, and affected disks in the spine.

Ankle Sprains 
The Stem Cell Infusion will help applied directly to the injured joint.

Foot Fractures
You can recover better with our cell therapies. Infusion Joint Injuries: platelet-rich plasma mixed with stem cells, applied directly to the injured joint.

Famous NBA players used Stem Cells to treat their lesions

Stem cell therapies have been used during the last decade by elite athletes. Regenerative medicine is the new medical perspective and stem cells are revolutionizing biomedical technology around the world.

Kobe Bryant
Position: Shooting Guard
Treatment: Knee

Stephen Curry
Team: Golden State Warriors
Position: Point Guard
Treatment: Knee

Kemba Walker
Team: Boston Celtics
Position: Point Guard
Treatment: Knee Injury

Karl Anthony
Team: Minnesota Timberwolves
Position: Center
Treatment: knee, wrist, ankle and finger.

Paul Gasol
Team: Lakers
Position: Center
Treatment: Knee

The Stem Cells revolutionize NBA players' performance

New prevention initiatives need to be further developed to reduce the severity of player injuries and reduce the impact on economic growth when players lose games due to their injuries.

Stem cell therapies have many benefits in the treatment of muscle injuries, as they improve patient mobility and quality of life.

Before a sports injury, people had to rest and take drugs until they recovered. If this didn’t work, the only option was surgery. Thanks to regenerative medicine, today the use of stem cells is a successful alternative.

For more information.

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Written by Gina Cardenas

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