How Mesenchymal Stem Cell treatments aid with sexual wellness

Sexual health and well-being are essential aspects of human life to embrace confidence, intimacy and an overall sense of sensuality.  The benefits of a healthy and pleasurable sexual life are numerous and far-reaching. Relationships improve when intimacy is present and are affected by its absence. There is no doubt that childbirth, aging, erectile dysfunction, and menopause can impact our sexual lives. In many cases, sex can be painful and not as pleasurable as we desire, or infertility could be part of our life, and it is a fact that these issues will convert into stress, relationship tensions, and low self-confidence. Sexual Wellness is a real problem, and many people around the world suffer from this condition. Currently, there are a number of long-term pharmaceutical cures to help one with these problems, however, in many cases these solutions could cause numerous side effects.

Alternatively, Mesenchymal Stem Cell  (MSC) therapy has become an innovative treatment for men and women seeking to improve and revitalize sexual dysfunction and infertility. Stem Cell therapies stimulate the human body’s own regenerative and healing properties. MSCs stimulate circulation by promoting the growth of new blood vessels. This process can be enhanced with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood, in the form of Priapus Shot (P-shot) for men and Orgasm Shot (O-shot) for women. These natural methods allow your sexual function to return gradually.

Emuna Wellness is proud to provide a revolutionary treatment to improve the sexual well-being of our patients called StemLife Sexual Wellness. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from sexual wellness issues, please reach out for free consultation with our patient advocate, and let us help you on your road to health and healing clicking here!

Do stem cell therapies work for erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity, which is a functional problem for many men in the world. There can be many reasons for erectile dysfunction such as low levels of testosterone which is in charge of regulating the process of the erection. There are also certain behaviors that put men at risk for erectile dysfunction, these include Injuries, some medications, alcohol, drug use and smoking. 

Our Stem Cell Sexual Wellness treatment has been shown to eliminate erectile dysfunction completely, with the transformation and rejuvenation of the cells that provide erection in the penis. This procedure can be performed on patients of any age who have this condition.  At Emuna Wellness we extract stem cells from a donated and screened umbilical cord, specifically the tissues lining known as Wharton’s Jelly, and multiply them at our top-notch biotech laboratories.  The cells are then administered to the patient intravenously or by injection directly into the penis. The number of Stem Cells and medical specifications for treatment will be determined by the patient’s age, weight, and condition. StemLife Sexual Wellness therapy aims to eliminate the cause, unlike other methods that treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, but not the underlying issues. This procedure is one of the most successful treatment models in the world for patients with impotence (erectile dysfunction), due to the ease of treatment and its reliable results. 

If you want to apply for a free consultation with our patient advocate, clicking here!

Why choose Colombia for your Stem Cell treatment?

Emuna Wellness will assist you with a complete set of accommodations and services during your treatment to make it a comfortable, pleasant, and safe experience in our specialized clinics in Colombia.  In addition to having expert medical support who will be at your disposal to recommend the best procedure according to your conditions. You can rest comfortably at our magnificent Coffee Village Hotel, which is known for its romantic and peaceful atmosphere.  Accommodations include private parking, a concierge, an organic diner, an outdoor swimming pool, spa, bar, gardens, green zones, and even a chapel.

We would also be delighted to arrange various tourist activities in the Coffee Region such as visits to the towns of Filandia and Salento, The Cocora Valley, and the Santa Rosa Hot Springs.  Our Emuna Hosts will be with you every step of the way ensuring you have an unforgettable experience that will nourish your body and spirit.

We would like to be part of your healing process with Emuna’s regenerative medicine retreat programs. Schedule your free consultation with our patient advocate team or email us at or call us +1 (833) 991 4500


  • Chung, Eric. “Stem cell therapy in diabetic men with erectile dysfunction: A step closer to safe and effective regenerative technology.” Annals of translational medicine 7.Suppl 1 (2019).
  • Lin, G., Banie, L., Ning, H., Bella, A. J., Lin, C. S., & Lue, T. F. (2009). Potential of adipose‐derived stem cells for treatment of erectile dysfunction. The journal of sexual medicine, 6(S3), 320-327.
  • Lin, C. S., Xin, Z. C., Wang, Z., Deng, C., Huang, Y. C., Lin, G., & Lue, T. F. (2011). Stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction: a critical review. Stem cells and development, 21(3), 343-351.Yiou, R. (2017). Stem-cell therapy for erectile dysfunction. Bio-medical materials and engineering, 28(s1), S81-S85.
  • Yiou, R. (2017). Stem-cell therapy for erectile dysfunction. Bio-medical materials and engineering, 28(s1), S81-S85.
  • Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Using Stem Cells: A Review (w.d)  National Library of Medicine Taken from:

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