Stem cell therapies for treating autism in children

stem cel for autism

DISCOVER REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Dive into regenerative medicine with Omni-Stem for treating autism in children.  Learn More MCS Stem Cells therapies to treat autism in children. Current therapies for autism mainly include invasive treatments such as SSRIs, anxiolytics, and mood stabilizers. Although medications may decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms, they do not address the […]

The Role of Regenerative Medicine in Autism Treatment

Regenerative Medicine for Autism Patients

ASD is a type of disorder that affects the development of the brain, its ability to communicate and socialize with the environment. The Origin is unknown, but research shows that  genes and environment are involved. Symptoms Lack of contact with environment. Abnormalities in verbal and non verbal. communication. Excessive tantrums when changing routines. Repetitive body. movements. […]

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