Scientific Resources
on Stem Cell Therapies

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Scientific Resources on Stem Cell Therapies

Explore Omni-Stem’s comprehensive library of scientific resources on Regenerative Medicine.

Scientific Resources on Stem Cell Therapies

Explore Omni-Stem’s comprehensive library of scientific resources on Regenerative Medicine.

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At Omni-Stem, we believe in empowering our patients through knowledge. This FAQ section was developed to provide clear, straightforward answers to some of the most common questions we receive. We’ve tried to cover a broad range of topics, from the basics of stem cell therapy to details about our specific treatments and protocols.

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine is a field of medicine that focuses on developing therapies that can help the body regenerate and repair damaged or diseased tissues and organs. This is achieved by using various types of cells, including stem cells, to help stimulate the body's natural healing processes.

Regenerative medicine uses stem cells, which have the ability to differentiate into different cell types, such as nerve cells, muscle cells, and blood cells, among others. These cells can be sourced from various places in the body, such as bone marrow, adipose tissue, or umbilical cord blood.

The goal of regenerative medicine is to develop therapies that can treat a wide range of conditions, including injuries, genetic disorders, and degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease, among others. The potential of regenerative medicine is still being explored, but it offers promising opportunities to develop new treatments and improve patient outcomes.

Mesenchymal stem cells, derived from the umbilical cord of a live birth (U-MSC), serve as a potent repair system in the body.

These cells have the ability to divide and create an optimal environment for tissue repair, modulate immune responses, and reduce inflammation. U-MSC stem cells effectively target areas of degeneration, building, repairing, and growing new tissue.

Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are currently the most potent biologic available in the field of regenerative medicine.

At Omni-Stem, we specialize in the use of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), a type of perinatal stem cell. These cells are harvested from the umbilical cord tissue, which is a rich source of regenerative cells. U-MSCs share the broad differentiation potential and low immunogenicity characteristic of perinatal stem cells, making them less likely to provoke an immune response in recipients.

The advantages of using U-MSCs include their ease of collection and the non-invasive nature of their sourcing, which involves no harm to the mother or newborn. Umbilical cord MSCs are increasingly being recognized and utilized for their significant therapeutic potential in regenerative medicine, without the ethical concerns associated with embryonic stem cells. 

Umbilical cord-derived stem-cell exosomes (U-MSC Exosomes) are tiny vesicles released by U-MSCs and are approximately 1000 times smaller than the mesenchymal stem cells from which they originate. These exosomes are packed with bioactive molecules that act as messengers between cells.

These lipid-lined nano vesicles carry potent anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and regenerative signals to damaged tissues and organs, facilitating intercellular communication throughout the body.

This capability places U-MSC exosomes at the forefront of regenerative medicine, making them a crucial component in enhancing clinical outcomes for many medical conditions.

At Omni-Stem we source our umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and U-MSC derived exosomes through a collaborative partnership with the National University in Medellín, Colombia. We work closely with a skilled team of biotechnologists and a fertility clinic, which provides us with donated umbilical cords. The harvesting and preservation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (U-MSCs) is a delicate and highly technical procedure carried out in three phases to ensure the viability and effectiveness of the cells for therapeutic applications:

Donor Suitability

This stage involves a comprehensive evaluation of umbilical cord donors, which includes DNA and laboratory analyses to ensure the integrity and viability of the U-MSC stem cells obtained.

Harvesting and Preservation

This phase emphasizes the collection and preservation of the umbilical cord, typically discarded postpartum and the extraction and laboratory expansion of multipotent cells and their derived exosomes.

Expansion and Testing

The stem cells used for therapeutic applications are verified by a third party lab and expanded in our laboratory, in this phase we process the extraction of the U-MSC derived exosomes.

Our team in Colombia produces some of the highest-quality biologics available globally. While similar work is conducted in countries like South Korea, China, and Russia, our focus is distinct in emphasizing both exosome and mesenchymal U-MSC therapies.

The preparation required before U-MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) therapy can vary depending on the specific treatment protocol and your medical condition. However, there are some general guidelines typically followed to ensure the best possible outcome of the therapy, including medical review, hydration, and lifestyle modifications. It is crucial to follow the specific instructions provided by our medical team regarding any preparations necessary for U-MSC stem cell therapy.

U-MSC mesenchymal stem cells have received FDA approval, making these therapies accessible in the U.S. However, the FDA restricts the multiplication and expansion of allogeneic stem cells.

As a result, patients undergoing these therapies in the U.S. typically receive only a limited number of cells. This limitation can prevent patients from experiencing the full potential benefits of U-MSC-derived exosomes, which are enhanced when a higher volume of cells is available.

For patients interested in our treatments, international travel to Colombia will be necessary. We ensure a comprehensive care experience in a welcoming, and safe environment.

Treatments and Procedures

Most of our protocols typically take about 1 hour with minimal downtime. However, considering that a patient care plan may involve multiple procedures, the entire process, including onboarding, treatment, and medical supervision, can take up to 4 days.`

The age restrictions for U-MSC (umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell) therapy can vary depending on the specific treatment protocol and the patient's medical condition. Generally, there is no maximum age limit for MSC therapy as long as the patient is healthy enough and deemed a suitable candidate.

Like any medical treatment, MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) therapy may have some risks and potential complications. The specific risks and side effects of MSC therapy can vary depending on the patient's medical condition, the specific treatment protocol, and individual response to the therapy. It is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of MSC therapy with a qualified healthcare professional before undergoing the treatment. Your healthcare professional will help you weigh the potential risks against the benefits and determine if MSC therapy is appropriate for your medical condition. They will also monitor you closely during and after the treatment to minimize the risk of complications and to ensure the best possible outcome.

U-MSC stem cell treatments are considered specialized and are generally not covered by insurance plans.

The duration of the effects of MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) therapy can vary depending on various factors, including the specific medical condition being treated, the type of stem cell therapy used, and the individual patient's response to the treatment. In some cases, patients may experience long-lasting or permanent improvements in their symptoms after undergoing MSC therapy. For example, in some patients with osteoarthritis, MSC therapy has improved joint pain and function that can last for several years. However, in other cases, the effects of MSC therapy may be more temporary, and patients may require repeat treatments to maintain their benefits. For example, in patients with autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, MSC therapy may provide temporary relief from symptoms, but the effects may gradually diminish over time.

The specific eligibility criteria for regenerative MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) therapy can vary depending on the patient's medical condition, the specific treatment protocol, and the stem cell provider's guidelines. However, here are some general factors that may make you a good candidate for MSC therapy:

  • You have a medical condition that may benefit from regenerative therapy: MSC therapy may be appropriate for various medical conditions, including orthopedic injuries, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, and more. Your healthcare professional can help determine if your medical condition is appropriate for MSC therapy.
  • You have tried other treatments without success: MSC therapy may be appropriate if you have tried others without success or if those treatments have not provided sufficient relief from your symptoms.
  • You are in good overall health: MSC therapy may not be appropriate for patients with certain underlying health conditions or risk factors, such as a weakened immune system, a history of cancer, or a history of blood clotting disorders. Your healthcare professional will evaluate your overall health to determine if you are a suitable candidate for MSC therapy.
  • You are willing to commit to the treatment process: MSC therapy typically involves multiple injections or infusions over weeks or months. It is important to be willing and able to commit to the treatment process to achieve the best possible outcomes.

It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine if MSC therapy is appropriate for your specific medical condition and to discuss any eligibility criteria or concerns you may have. Your healthcare professional can help guide you through the treatment process and provide personalized recommendations based on your needs and medical history.

The combination of regenerative stem cell therapy with other treatments or medications will depend on your specific medical condition and the advice of your healthcare professional. In some cases, it may be safe and appropriate to combine MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) therapy with other treatments or medications to achieve the best possible outcome.

For example, MSC therapy may be combined with physical therapy or anti-inflammatory medications to help manage pain and improve function in orthopedic injuries. In neurological disorders, MSC therapy may be combined with medications or other therapies to help improve cognitive function or reduce symptoms. However, it is important to inform your healthcare professional of all medications, supplements, or other treatments you are currently using before undergoing MSC therapy. Some medications or treatments may interact with the stem cells or interfere with the therapeutic effects of MSC therapy.

Additionally, it is important to follow your healthcare professional's advice and guidance regarding any adjustments to your current treatment plan or medications. Your healthcare professional can help determine if MSC therapy is appropriate in combination with other treatments or medications and provide personalized recommendations based on your individual needs and medical history.

The timeline for seeing results from U-MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) therapy can vary depending on the specific medical condition, the type of stem cell therapy used, and the individual patient's response to the treatment. In some cases, patients may notice improvements in their symptoms within a few weeks of starting MSC therapy, while in other cases, it may take several months or longer to see results. It is important to remember that MSC therapy is not a magic bullet and may not work for everyone. MSC therapy aims to help promote healing and regeneration within the body, but the extent and duration of the therapeutic effects can vary from patient to patient. Your healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance on what to expect from MSC therapy based on your medical condition and treatment plan. They can also monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed to help optimize your outcomes.

Overall, OmniStem is committed to providing its patients and the broader community with educational resources that can help them make informed decisions about their healthcare and understand the potential benefits of MSC therapy.

General Treatment Information

To schedule a consultation with an OmniStem healthcare professional, please begin by filling out our Prescreening Questionnaire.

This initial step helps us assess your eligibility and develop a treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

After our medical team approves the viability of the treatment for your case, you can schedule a non-obligatory video consultation. During this session, our medical team will discuss your medical history, health condition and treatments goals.

You are welcome to bring a companion to your stem cell wellness retreat at Omni-Stem in Colombia. Having a supportive friend or family member with you during your treatment and recovery can be highly beneficial. Additionally, we offer all-inclusive accommodations for you and your companion to enjoy a wellness retreat in Colombia that you'll never forget.

Yes, there are some specific preparations that you need to do before coming to our clinic for MSC Stem Cell treatment. These preparations may include:

Reviewing and filling out all necessary medical forms and documents. Providing detailed medical history, current medications, and any other relevant health information to our medical team. Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen, for several days before treatment unless prescribed by a physician. Stopping all blood-thinning medications or supplements, such as warfarin, heparin, or fish oil supplements, at least a week before the treatment. Stopping any immunosuppressive medications, such as corticosteroids or methotrexate, at least a week before treatment unless advised otherwise by your physician. Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment to ensure proper hydration.

Our medical team will provide more detailed instructions and recommendations based on your health status and medical history during your consultation.

Our staff at OmniStem speaks English and Spanish. We understand the importance of clear communication between our patients and the medical team, and we strive to ensure that all patients feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the treatment process.

Certainly, we understand the importance of hearing from former patients about their experience with MSC stem cell treatment. However, we prioritize the privacy of our patients and do not disclose their personal information. Nevertheless, we have a wealth of patient testimonials and success stories that we share on our website and social media platforms. We take pride in our high patient satisfaction rate and encourage you to reach out to our team to learn more.

At Omni-Stem we have treated a variety of conditions with MSC stem cell therapy, including but not limited to: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, Diabetes, COPD, Autoimmune diseases, Spinal cord injuries, Stroke,  Traumatic brain injuries, and Autism.

It's important to note that while U-MSC stem cell therapy has shown promising results in treating these conditions, it may not be suitable for everyone. It's essential to consult with a medical professional to determine if U-MSC stem cell therapy is viable for your specific condition.

Post – treatment and Follow-up

There are some specific instructions that you should follow during the recovery period after receiving an MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) umbilical cord cell infusion. These instructions may vary depending on your individual medical condition, the type of MSC therapy you received, and other factors, so it is important to follow the guidance provided by your healthcare professional at OmniStem.

Some general guidelines that may apply to many patients include:

Rest and Recovery: It is important to rest and avoid strenuous activities for several days after receiving MSC therapy. This will give your body time to recover and may help optimize the effectiveness of the treatment.

Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids can help support your body's natural healing processes and may help reduce the risk of complications after MSC therapy.

Medication: Your healthcare professional may prescribe medications to help manage pain, inflammation, or other symptoms after MSC therapy. Be sure to follow the instructions provided and let your healthcare professional know if you experience any side effects.

Follow-up: It is important to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare professional to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Lifestyle Modifications: Depending on your individual medical condition, your healthcare professional may recommend specific lifestyle modifications to support your recovery after MSC therapy. For example, you may be advised to modify your diet or exercise routine, or to avoid certain activities or substances that could interfere with the healing process.

The frequency of follow-up appointments after MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) therapy can vary depending on various factors, including the type of treatment received, the specific medical condition being treated, and the individual patient's response to the treatment. Typically, patients receiving MSC therapy at OmniStem our clinic in Colombia will have a follow-up appointment before leaving the clinic. During this appointment, your healthcare professional will guide you on what to expect during the recovery period and may recommend a specific follow-up schedule based on your needs. Sometimes, patients may be advised to return to the clinic for follow-up appointments in the months following treatment. These appointments may include imaging or other diagnostic tests to monitor the progress of the treatment, as well as consultations with healthcare professionals to assess the effectiveness of the therapy and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

The need for medication or a special diet after MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) stem cell treatment can vary depending on the individual patient's medical condition, the type of treatment received, and other factors. Generally, your healthcare professional at OmniStem will provide specific instructions on any medications or dietary guidelines you should follow after treatment. You may be prescribed medicines to help manage pain, inflammation, or other symptoms. Follow the instructions provided by your healthcare professional and let them know if you experience any side effects or have concerns about your medication regimen.

Sometimes, your healthcare professional may recommend a specific diet or dietary supplements to support your recovery after MSC therapy. This may include foods or supplements high in protein, vitamins, or other nutrients to help keep your body's natural healing processes.

Lifestyle Modifications: Depending on your medical condition, your healthcare professional may recommend specific lifestyle modifications to help support your recovery after MSC therapy. This may include changes to your exercise routine, recommendations to avoid certain activities or substances that could interfere with the healing process or other guidelines to help promote overall health and wellness.

Following any instructions provided by your healthcare professional at OmniStem is important to help ensure a safe and effective recovery after MSC therapy. If you have any questions or concerns about medication, diet, or lifestyle modifications after your treatment, be sure to discuss these with your healthcare professional.

The type and amount of physical activity allowed during the recovery period after MSC stem cell treatment can vary depending on the individual patient's medical condition, the type of treatment received, and other factors. Following any specific guidelines provided by your healthcare professional at DVC Stem is essential to help ensure a safe and effective recovery. Sometimes, your healthcare professional may recommend specific types of physical activity or exercise that can help support your recovery after MSC therapy. This may include low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling that can help improve circulation and promote healing without putting excessive stress on the body. However, it is crucial to avoid any strenuous or high-impact activities that could interfere with the healing process or cause further injury. Your healthcare professional may provide specific guidelines on what activities are safe and appropriate during recovery. It is also important to listen to your body during recovery and avoid pushing yourself too hard too soon. Rest and adequate recovery time are essential for allowing your body to heal and maximizing the benefits of MSC therapy.

If you experience any complications or side effects after your MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) stem cell treatment, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. Although MSC therapy is generally safe, like any medical procedure, there is always a risk of side effects or complications.

Some potential side effects of MSC therapy can include pain, swelling, or bruising at the site of the infusion, as well as fever, chills, or other symptoms of infection. Sometimes, patients may also experience allergic reactions to stem cells or other treatment components. If you experience any of these symptoms or other complications after your MSC therapy, it is important to contact your healthcare professional at OmniStem as soon as possible. They can provide you with guidance on how to manage your symptoms and may recommend additional testing or treatment as needed.

The effects of MSC therapy can last for varying lengths of time, depending on the individual patient and their specific medical condition. Some patients may experience long-term improvements in their symptoms, while others may require additional treatments to maintain the effects of the stem cells.

To maximize the potential benefits of MSC therapy, following specific guidelines provided by your healthcare professional at OmniStem is essential. It may include following a particular diet or exercise regimen, taking medications as prescribed, and attending follow-up appointments as recommended. By taking an active role in your recovery and following the guidance of your healthcare professional, you can help ensure the best possible outcomes from your MSC stem cell treatment.

Yes, it may be possible to receive additional MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) stem cell treatments in the future if needed. The decision to undergo further treatments will depend on various factors, including the patient's individual medical condition, the type of treatment received, and the effectiveness of any previous treatments. At OmniStem, your healthcare professional will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your individual needs and goals. This may include a combination of treatments and therapies designed to help you achieve the best possible outcomes.

Travel and Accommodations

Our stem cell therapy clinic is located in the beautiful city of Pereira, Colombia. Pereira is a vibrant city located in the coffee region of Colombia and is known for its rich culture, friendly people, and stunning scenery. We have experienced medical professionals and medical facilities to provide U-MSC stem cell and derived exosomes therapy.

Colombia has become a tourist destination for wellness for thousands of people who consider this country the ideal place to perform their medical and cosmetic procedures. This is due to its world-class professionals, amazing facilities, such as clinics, airports, hotels, as well as numerous entertainment and cultural offerings for its visitors. Here are some of the reasons why to choose Colombia for stem cell treatment:

Experienced healthcare professionals: Colombia has a well-established healthcare system with experienced world-class medical professionals.

Advanced medical facilities: Many medical facilities in Colombia are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, making them well-suited for advanced medical procedures.

Cost-effective treatment: Stem cell treatment in Colombia is often more affordable than in other countries, such as the United States or Western Europe, while still maintaining high-quality standards.

Accessibility: Colombia is easily accessible from North and South America, making it a convenient location for patients from these regions.

Tourist attractions: Colombia has a rich culture, history, and beautiful scenery, making it an attractive destination for medical tourism.

Depending on your needs Omni-Stem offers both options, comfortable hotel or private villas accommodation. All our locations have all the amenities to make your stay pleasant and relaxing in
connection with yourself.

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What are Stem Cells?

The role of stem cells in healing and disease recovery

Stem cells are a unique type of cells characterized by their ability to differentiate into a diverse range of cell types. This process, known as differentiation, allows a stem cell to transform into either another stem cell or an entirely different type of cell. 

This remarkable capability forms the foundation of the therapeutic potential of stem cells in regenerative medicine, as they can regenerate tissues and repair damage by converting into the specific cell types required for healing.

Stem cell therapies can be conducted using various types of stem cells, each offering distinct therapeutic potentials. Scientific evidence supports the notion that these therapies rise the body’s natural regenerative processes

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Different Types of Stem Cells

Different Types
of Stem Cells

Each type of stem cell presents distinct advantages and limitations for different conditions

Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells (U-MSCs)

At Omni-Stem, we specialize in the use of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), a type of perinatal stem cell. These cells are harvested from the umbilical cord tissue, which is a rich source of regenerative cells. U-MSCs share the broad differentiation potential and low immunogenicity characteristic of perinatal stem cells, making them less likely to provoke an immune response in recipients.

The advantages of using U-MSCs include their ease of collection and the non-invasive nature of their sourcing, which involves no harm to the mother or newborn. Umbilical cord MSCs are increasingly being recognized and utilized for their significant therapeutic potential in regenerative medicine, without the ethical concerns associated with embryonic stem cells. 

perinatal stem cells

Adult Stem Cells (ASCs)

Autologous stem cell therapy involves harvesting ASCs from a patient’s own body, and reintroducing them to the patient. This method, while reducing the risk of immune rejection, presents challenges concerning the quality and quantity of cells that can be derived from sources like adipocytes or bone marrow.

We recognize the considerable potential of Adult Stem Cells (ASCs) for use in autologous stem cell therapies. However, despite their promising capabilities, we currently do not employ autologous stem cell therapies involving ASCs in our clinics. This decision is guided by our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficacy in the treatments we offer to our patients.

bone marrow stem cells

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs)

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an early-stage pre-implantation embryo. At Omni-Stem, we do not utilize ESCs in our treatments or research due to the complex ethical considerations in their use.

Scientific Resources on Stem-cell Therapies

U-MSC Derived Exosomes*

U-MSC derived exosomes play an integral role in our regenerative medicine therapies, although they are not a type of stem cell. U-MSC derives exosomes are nanoscale extracellular vesicles produced by U-MSC Stem Cells. They facilitate intercellular communication and are crucial for modulating biological processes that promote tissue repair and regeneration.

Exosomes differ from stem cells as they do not contain any genetic material. Instead, they are loaded with bioactive molecules such as proteins, lipids, and various forms of RNA that can modify the behavior of recipient cells to encourage healing processes. This includes promoting anti-inflammatory responses, modulating immune functions, and enhancing repair mechanisms at the cellular level.

Incorporating UC-MSC derived exosomes into our treatment strategies is key due to their ability to emulate the regenerative effects of their parent stem cells safely and effectively.

*Please note that U-MSC exosomes are not a type of stem cell. They are a byproduct derived from the process of expanding Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells (U-MSCs). We include information about exosomes on this page due to their significant role in enhancing treatment outcomes in regenerative medicine. Exosomes are known for their ability to facilitate cellular communication and improve the efficacy of the therapeutic protocols we offer. This inclusion is intended to provide comprehensive insight into the full range of components utilized in our regenerative treatments, helping patients understand the various elements that contribute to the success of their therapy.

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The Journey of Our Stem Cells

The Journey of
Our Stem Cells

How our U-MSC and derived exosomes are sourced?

At Omni-Stem we source our umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and U-MSC derived exosomes through a collaborative partnership with the National University in Medellín, Colombia. We work closely with a skilled team of biotechnologists and a fertility clinic, which provides us with donated umbilical cords.

The harvesting and preservation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (U-MSCs) is a delicate and highly technical procedure carried out in three phases to ensure the viability and effectiveness of the cells for therapeutic applications.


This stage involves a comprehensive evaluation of umbilical cord donors, which includes DNA and laboratory analyses to ensure the integrity and viability of the U-MSC stem cells obtained.

stem cells donnor suitability

and Preservation

This phase emphasizes the collection and preservation of the umbilical cord, typically discarded postpartum and the extraction and laboratory expansion of multipotent cells and their derived exosomes.

umbilical cord stem cell harvesting icon

and Testing

The stem cells used for therapeutic applications are verified by a third party lab and expanded in our laboratory, in this phase we process the extraction the U-MSC derived exosomes.

Our team in Colombia produces some of the highest-quality biologics available globally. While similar work is conducted in countries like South Korea, China, and Russia, our focus is distinct in emphasizing both exosome and mesenchymal U-MSC therapies.

harvesting and preservation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells
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Our Regenerative Medicine Protocols

Discover a new frontier in healthcare

U-MSC Stem Cell and U-MSC-derived exosome therapies are the cornerstone of regenerative medicine, offering a new treatment approach for various medical conditions and diseases where treatment options are limited.

Our total body regenerative medicine treatment harnesses the incredible potential of U-MSC stem cells to rejuvenate and heal your body.

Omni-Stem offers a U-MSC stem cell spine regeneration treatment that provides a safe, effective, and minimally invasive alternative to back surgery.

If you’re experiencing joint pain, our regenerative stem cell therapies can strengthen your ligaments, regenerate tendons, reducing pain and swelling.

Discover the power of Regenerative Medicine with Omni-Stem StemLift Facial, a non-surgical treatment designed to revitalize your skin and restore your youthful radiance.

The StemGrow protocol is a minimally invasive treatment that can help you stop hair loss and naturally improve the quality and thickness of your hair.

This treatment allows for increased blood flow, circulation, and regeneration of nerve endings in sexual organs, offering renewed possibilities to revitalize your sexual health

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Conditions Treated

Regenerative medicine plays a critical role in modulating inflammation and immune responses, offering significant therapeutic potential for a variety of health conditions.

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Is This Therapy Available in the U.S.?

Is This Therapy
Available in the U.S.?

U-MSC derived allogenic stem cell therapies are not allowed in the US.

U-MSC Mesenchymal stem cells have received FDA approval, making these therapies accessible in the U.S. However, the FDA does not permit the expansion of allogenic stem cells.

Consequently, patients undergoing these therapies in the U.S. typically receive only a limited number of cells, missing out on the potential benefits of U-MSC derived exosomes.

At Omni-Stem, we employ a safe and controlled process in our laboratory to expand these cells, allowing us to administer tens of millions of U-MSCs as well U-MSC Exosomes to patients, which significantly enhances treatment outcomes.

Wellness Retreats

Join us at Omni-Stem to experience a pioneering approach to regenerative medicine, tailored specifically to your personal health needs. Discover how you can rejuvenate your body and mind. Learn more today.

Find Out if You Are
a Candidate for Treatment

To determine if you are a suitable candidate for this treatment, please complete our Pre-screning Questionnaire. Our team of medical team will assess your eligibility based on your health status and medical history.

This is a key reason many individuals travel to Colombia to seek Regenerative Medicine treatments at Omni-Stem, which is recognized for providing some of the most advanced regenerative medicine biologics available.

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Browse our database of published scientific studies, categorized by condition.

  • Sport Injuries
  • Anti-aging and Wellness
  • Hair Loss and Alopecia
  • Joint Conditions
  • Spine Conditions
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
58 entries « 1 of 3 »
Cell-free therapy based on extracellular vesicles: a promising therapeutic strategy for peripheral nerve injury

Yu, Tianhao; Xu, Yingxi; Ahmad, Muhammad Arslan; Javed, Rabia; Hagiwara, Haruo; Tian, Xiaohong

Cell-free therapy based on extracellular vesicles: a promising therapeutic strategy for peripheral nerve injury Journal Article

In: 2023.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Exosomes, Neurological Conditions

Stem cell-based therapeutic strategies for rotator cuff tendinopathy

Wang, Zetao; Liao, Youguo; Wang, Canlong; Tang, Chenqi; Fang, Cailian; Luo, Junchao; Liu, Hengzhi; Mo, Xianan; Wang, Zicheng; Shen, Lingfang; Wang, Junjuan; Chen, Xiao; Li, Jianyou; Shen, Weiliang

Stem cell-based therapeutic strategies for rotator cuff tendinopathy Journal Article

In: 2023.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Sports Injuries

Exploring the Potential of Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery

Tran, Dang-Khoa; Nguyen, Thuy; Phuong, Thi; Bui, Nhat-Le; Singh, Vijai; Looi, Qi Hao

Exploring the Potential of Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Journal Article

In: 2023.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Anti-Aging

Stem Cells in Clinical Trials on Neurological Disorders: Trends in Stem Cells Origins, Indications, and Status of the Clinical Trials.

Namiot, Eugenia D; Niemi, Jenni Viivi Linnea; Chubarev, Vladimir N; Tarasov, Vadim V; Schiöth, Helgi B

Stem Cells in Clinical Trials on Neurological Disorders: Trends in Stem Cells Origins, Indications, and Status of the Clinical Trials. Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Neurological Conditions

Interaction between Mesenchymal Stem Cells and the Immune System in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Bačenkov, Darina; Trebuňová, Marianna; Morochovič, Radoslav; Dosedla, Erik; Balogová, Alena Findrik

Interaction between Mesenchymal Stem Cells and the Immune System in Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Arthritis

Exosomes and exosomal miRNAs: A new therapy for intervertebral disc degeneration

Li, Zhichao; Wu, Yan; Tan, Guoqing; Xu, Zhanwang; Xue, Haipeng

Exosomes and exosomal miRNAs: A new therapy for intervertebral disc degeneration Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Back Pain, Disc Regeneration

The biology, function, and biomedical applications of exosomes

Zhang, Zhaoxia; Mi, Tao; Jin, Liming; Li, Mujie; Zhanghuang, Chenghao; Wang, Jinkui; Tan, Xiaojun; Lu, Hongxu; Shen, Lianju; Long, Chunlan; Hecorresponding, Guanghui Weiand Dawei

The biology, function, and biomedical applications of exosomes Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Exosomes

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes and Intervertebral Disc Regeneration Review

Bhujel, Basanta; Shin, Hae-Eun; Choiand, Dong-Jun; Han, Inbo

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes and Intervertebral Disc Regeneration Review Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Spine conditions

Advances in Stem Cell Therapies for Rotator Cuff Injuries

Wang, Hao-Nan; Rong, Xiao; Yang, Lu-Ming; Hua, Wei-Zhong; Nicorresponding, Guo-Xin

Advances in Stem Cell Therapies for Rotator Cuff Injuries Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Sports Injuries

Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Different Sources in Meniscus Repair and Regeneration

Ding, Guocheng; Du, Jianing; Hu, Xiaoqing; Yingfang,

Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Different Sources in Meniscus Repair and Regeneration Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Sports Injuries

Efficacy and Safety of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in the Treatment of Autoimmune Disease

Zeng, Liuting; Yu, Ganpeng; Yang, Kailin; Xiang, Wang; Li, Jun; Chen, Hua

Efficacy and Safety of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in the Treatment of Autoimmune Disease Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus

Therapeutic Effects of Physical Exercise and the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome by Modulating Neuroinflammatory Response in Multiple Sclerosis

González, Lina María; Ospina, Laura Natalia; Sperling, Laura Elena; Chaparro, Orlando; Cucarián, Jaison Daniel

Therapeutic Effects of Physical Exercise and the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome by Modulating Neuroinflammatory Response in Multiple Sclerosis Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Multiple Sclerosis

Stem cell therapy for COVID-19 pneumonia

Kebria, Maziar Malekzadeh; Milan, Peiman Brouki; Peyravian, Noshad; Kiani, Jafar; Khatibi, Soheil; Mozafari, Masoud

Stem cell therapy for COVID-19 pneumonia Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Long COVID

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as a Novel Strategy for the Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration

Lu, Lin; Xu, Aoshuang; Gao, Fei; Tian, Chenjun; Wang, Honglin; Zhang, Jiayao; Xie, Yi; Liu, Pengran; Liu, Songxiang; Yang, Cao; Ye, Zhewei; 1, Xinghuo Wu

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as a Novel Strategy for the Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Back Pain, Disc Regeneration

Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles inhibit shoulder stiffness via let-7a/Tgfbr1 axis

Luo, Zhiwen; Sun, Yaying; Qi, Beijie; Lin, Jinrong; Chen, Yisheng; Xu, Yuzhen; Chen, Jiwu

Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles inhibit shoulder stiffness via let-7a/Tgfbr1 axis Journal Article

In: 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Exosomes, Joint Conditions

Human mesenchymal stem cells treatment for severe COVID-19

Shi, Lei; Yuan, Xin; Yao, Weiqi; Wang, Siyu; Zhang, Chao; Zhang, Bo; Song, Jinwen; Huang, Lei; Xu, Zhe

Human mesenchymal stem cells treatment for severe COVID-19 Journal Article

In: 2021.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Long COVID

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sarsenova, Madina; Issabekova, Assel; Abisheva, Saule; Rutskaya-Moroshan, Kristina; Ogay, Vyacheslav; Saparov, Arman

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal Article

In: 2021.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Arthritis

Potential for Stem Cell-Based Therapy in the Road of Treatment for Neurological Disorders Secondary to COVID-19

Arjmand, Babak; Roudsari, Peyvand Parhizkar; Alavi-Moghadam, Sepideh; Rezaei-Tavirani, Mostafa; Tayanloo-Beik, Akram; Mehrdad, Neda; Adibi, Hossein; Larijani, Bagher

Potential for Stem Cell-Based Therapy in the Road of Treatment for Neurological Disorders Secondary to COVID-19 Journal Article

In: 2021.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Long COVID, Neurological Conditions

Mesenchymal stem cell-derived small extracellular vesicles mitigate oxidative stress-induced senescence in endothelial cells via regulation of miR-146a/Src

X, Xiao; M, Xu; H, Yu; L, Wang; X, Li; J, Rak; S, Wang; RC, Zhao

Mesenchymal stem cell-derived small extracellular vesicles mitigate oxidative stress-induced senescence in endothelial cells via regulation of miR-146a/Src Journal Article

In: 2021.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Anti-Aging

Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes on Autoimmune Diseases

Shen, Ziwei; Huang, Wei; Liu, Jun; Tian, Jie; Wang, Shengjun; Rui, Ke

Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes on Autoimmune Diseases Journal Article

In: 2021.

Abstract | Links | Tags: Arthritis, Autoimmune Disorders, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus

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Patient Testimonials

"Never would I ever think that I would have the opportunity to receive stem cells"

Alandra’s life took a sudden turn when she suffered a PCL tear, resulting in excruciating pain and a period of being bedridden. Despite starting physical therapy and slowly getting back to working out, she still experienced residual pain that seemed to linger.

Never did Alandra imagine that at this stage in her life, she would have the opportunity to receive stem cell treatment. She realized this was more than just a physical healing process; it was breaking through the limitations she had unconsciously set for herself.

Alandra Schmidt
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

"You're not taking a risk, you owe this to yourself"

Before receiving treatment at Omni-Stem, I endured constant pain due to multiple back surgeries. It seemed like something I would have to live with indefinitely. However, when I discovered the potential benefits of stem cell therapy, I eagerly embraced the opportunity. 

When faced with a severe injury, our initial inclination often leans towards surgery as the solution. I underwent two surgeries myself. However, what I have come to realize is that nature offers a superior alternative. 

I sincerely hope that more individuals recognize that embarking on this journey is not a risk but a necessary investment in oneself.

Josh Stanley
Chronic Pain

"It's a huge opportunity"

Embarking on a wellness retreat with Omni-Stem has been an incredible journey, surpassing all my expectations. Not only has it significantly alleviated my inflammation issues, but it has also provided a truly rejuvenating experience. 

From the warm and hospitable staff to the breathtaking beauty of Colombia, every moment has been filled with joy and tranquility. It is an immense opportunity for one’s well-being, and I highly encourage anyone who has the chance to seize this extraordinary experience.

Kathy B.

"I'm in shock that it works that well and that quickly "

After hyperextending my left shoulder, I discovered a tear through an MRI scan. After enduring six months of pain, I contemplated undergoing surgery. However, upon learning from the surgeon that the recovery process could span a year of physical therapy with only a 70% chance of success, I decided to explore alternative options.

That’s when we delved into the realm of stem cells. The moment we learned about it, we were captivated by its potential. To our astonishment, the pain dissipated immediately after the stem cell treatment. The efficacy and speed of this treatment leave me in awe.

Steve F.
Shoulder Hyperextension

"I chose Omni-Stem because their values and purpose were aligned with mine"

I underwent stem cell treatment for my shoulder’s micro tears and persistent pain from a previous injury. After thorough research, I chose Omni-Stem due to its strong alignment with my values and goals.

My experience exceeded my expectations. Their team demonstrated unmatched professionalism, expertise, and unwavering support from the initial consultation to completing my treatment. The results I achieved were truly remarkable. If you are ready to break free from pain and limitations.

Amanda C.
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tears

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